
Welcome aboard!

Contributing doesn’t always mean having code repository commit access. In fact, some of the best open source contributors never have commit access. In order for Ehcache to be successful, we rely on help in many areas other than writing software. These include:

  • Submitting bug reports (with patches!)
  • Writing documentation (esp. based on common issues in the forums)
  • Helping out in the forums


Every person who has contributed to Ehcache has helped in some way, big or small, to make Ehcache what it is today. Without them, the project certainly would not be the same. With that said, we know that some people are especially interested in writing software…

Authorship record of code modules and/or documentation is maintained to give credit where credit is due.

Submitting Contributions

Have you built a great new feature or documentation improvement? Drop us a note in the forums or file a feature enhancement request in our issue tracker and let us know about it. We gladly, and regularly accept contributions, and there are a serveral ways you can participate.

Contributors are given credit for their work, though they must be willing (for licensing purposes) to license and/or assign a copyright of the work.

Contribution Process

We follow a DCO / commit-signoff process for accepting contributions.

Please review this content here, to be aware of the terms you are agreeing to, and to find the instructions for doing so:

 › › Instructions for CONTRIBUTING to the Ehcache Project

Becoming an Ehcache Developer

Becoming a core developer for Ehcache is on an invite-only basis. The project leaders look for people who have submitted bug reports (with patches), helped out with writing documentation, stay active in the community forums, or make code contributions. In addition to all these, developers must demonstrate a strong desire to see the project be successful. This is typically done by staying in touch with the project leaders, following up on reported bugs, and generally offering assistance.