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autoCreate() - Method in class
Support connection to an existing entity or create if the entity if absent.


build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
builder(CacheManagerBuilder<? extends CacheManager>) - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration


ClientEntityFactory<E extends org.terracotta.connection.entity.Entity,C> - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.service
Factory used to create, fetch and destroy server entities.
cluster(URI) - Static method in class
Creates a new builder connecting to the given cluster.
clustered() - Static method in class
Creates a resource pool that inherits the resources already configured on the server.
clusteredDedicated(long, MemoryUnit) - Static method in class
Creates a new clustered resource pool using dedicated clustered resources.
clusteredDedicated(String, long, MemoryUnit) - Static method in class
Creates a new clustered resource pool using dedicated clustered resources.
ClusteredResourcePool - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
Defines a resource supported by a server-based resource.
ClusteredResourcePoolBuilder - Class in
Constructs a ResourcePool for a clustered resource.
ClusteredResourceType<P extends ClusteredResourcePool> - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
Defines the clustered ResourceType.
ClusteredResourceType.Types - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
clusteredShared(String) - Static method in class
Creates a new resource pool based on the provided parameters.
ClusteredStoreConfiguration - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
ServiceConfiguration for the ClusteredStore.
ClusteredStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredStoreConfiguration
Creates a new configuration with consistency set to EVENTUAL.
ClusteredStoreConfiguration(Consistency) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredStoreConfiguration
Creates a new configuration with the provided Consistency.
ClusteredStoreConfigurationBuilder - Class in
ClusteringService - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.service
Provides support for accessing server-based resources.
ClusteringService.ClusteredCacheIdentifier - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.service
A PersistenceSpaceIdentifier that can provide an id.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
Specifies the configuration for a ClusteringService.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(URI) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Creates a ClusteringServiceConfiguration from the properties provided.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(URI, TimeoutDuration) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Creates a ClusteringServiceConfiguration from the properties provided.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(URI, ServerSideConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Creates a ClusteringServiceConfiguration from the properties provided.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(URI, TimeoutDuration, ServerSideConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Creates a ClusteringServiceConfiguration from the properties provided.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(URI, boolean, ServerSideConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Creates a ClusteringServiceConfiguration from the properties provided.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(URI, TimeoutDuration, boolean, ServerSideConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Creates a ClusteringServiceConfiguration from the properties provided.
ClusteringServiceConfiguration(ClusteringServiceConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
ClusteringServiceConfigurationBuilder - Class in
A builder of ClusteringService configurations.
Consistency - Enum in org.ehcache.clustered.common
Enumeration of the different consistency levels supported in clustered caches.
convert(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
Converts this TimeDuration to the specified time unit.
create() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory
Creates the entity and validate that it can be effectively fetched


DEDICATED - Static variable in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourceType.Types
Identifies the clustered-dedicated ResourceType.
Dedicated(String, long) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.PoolAllocation.Dedicated
Create a new dedicated PoolAllocation.
DedicatedClusteredResourcePool - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
Specifies a ClusteredResourcePool reserving space from a server-based clustered resource.
defaultServerResource(String) - Method in class
Sets the default server resource for pools and caches.
destroy() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory
Destroy the entity matching the factory entity identifier and type


EntityBusyException - Exception in org.ehcache.clustered.client.service
Thrown by Entity operations requiring access to the {@link org.terracotta.entity.ActiveServerEntity} when the {@link org.terracotta.entity.ActiveServerEntity} is not available.
EntityBusyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.EntityBusyException
EntityBusyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.EntityBusyException
EntityBusyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.EntityBusyException
EntityService - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.service
Provides support for accessing server entities through the Cache Manager connection
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool
expecting() - Method in class
Only support connection to an existing entity.


getClusterUri() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
The URI of the cluster that will be connected to.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClusteringService
getConsistency() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredStoreConfiguration
Returns the Consistency for this configuration instance.
getDefaultServerResource() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration
Gets the name of the default server resource.
getEntityIdentifier() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory
getEntityType() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory
getEntityVersion() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory
getFromResource() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.DedicatedClusteredResourcePool
Identifies the server-side clustered resource from which space for this pool is reserved.
getId() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClusteringService.ClusteredCacheIdentifier
The id associated with this identifier.
getPoolAllocation() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourcePool
Converts this ClusteredResourcePool into the PoolAllocation used by the cluster server.
getReadOperationTimeout() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
The timeout for cache read operations.
getResourceName() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.PoolAllocation.Dedicated
Gets the name of the server-side storage resource from which allocations for a store configured with this PoolAllocation are made.
getResourcePoolName() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.PoolAllocation.Shared
Gets the name of the server-side storage resource pool from which allocations for a store configured with this PoolAllocation are sub-allocated.
getResourcePools() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration
getServerConfiguration() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
The default server resource to use for caches and pools, or null if one is not defined.
getServerResource() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool
Returns the server resource consumed by this pool, or null if the default pool will be used.
getServerStoreProxy(ClusteringService.ClusteredCacheIdentifier, Store.Configuration<K, V>, Consistency) - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClusteringService
Gets a ServerStoreProxy though which a server-resident ServerStore is accessed.
getServiceType() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredStoreConfiguration
getServiceType() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
getSharedResourcePool() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.SharedClusteredResourcePool
Identifies the server-side clustered resource shared with this resource pool.
getSize() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.PoolAllocation.Dedicated
Gets the size, in bytes, for the dedicated allocation to make from the server-side storage resource for a store configured with this PoolAllocation.
getSize() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool
Returns the size of the pool in bytes.
getType() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourcePool
getUnit() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.DedicatedClusteredResourcePool


hashCode() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
hashCode() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool


isAutoCreate() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
Returns true is server side components should be automatically created.


newClientEntityFactory(String, Class<E>, long, C) - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.EntityService
Creates a factory class used to create, fetch and destroy server entities through the same connection used by this CacheManager
NONE - Static variable in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
Constant indicating no timeout.


of(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
Gets a TimeoutDuration of the indicated duration.
org.ehcache.clustered.client.config - package org.ehcache.clustered.client.config - package
org.ehcache.clustered.client.service - package org.ehcache.clustered.client.service
org.ehcache.clustered.common - package org.ehcache.clustered.common


Pool(long, String) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool
Creates a new pool definition with the given size, consuming the given server resource.
Pool(long) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool
Creates a new pool definition with the given size, consuming the default server resource.
PoolAllocation - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.common
PoolAllocation.Dedicated - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.common
Describes a dedicated-size allocation for clustered storage.
PoolAllocation.Shared - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.common
Describes a shared allocation for clustered storage.
PoolAllocation.Unknown - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.common
Creates a Pool Allocation which inherits the Shared or Dedicated Pool Allocation from a cache which is already configured on the server.


readableString() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteringServiceConfiguration
readOperationTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Adds a read operation timeout.
releaseServerStoreProxy(ServerStoreProxy) - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClusteringService
Releases access to a ServerStoreProxy and the server-resident ServerStore it represents.
resourcePool(String, long, MemoryUnit, String) - Method in class
Adds a resource pool with the given name and size and consuming the given server resource.
resourcePool(String, long, MemoryUnit) - Method in class
Adds a resource pool with the given name and size and consuming the default server resource.
resourcePool(String, ServerSideConfiguration.Pool) - Method in class
Adds a resource pool with the given name and definition
retrieve() - Method in interface org.ehcache.clustered.client.service.ClientEntityFactory


ServerSideConfiguration - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.common
ServerSideConfiguration(Map<String, ServerSideConfiguration.Pool>) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration
ServerSideConfiguration(String, Map<String, ServerSideConfiguration.Pool>) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration
ServerSideConfiguration.Pool - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.common
The definition of a pool that can be shared by multiple caches.
ServerSideConfigurationBuilder - Class in
Constructs the server-side portion of a ClusteringServiceConfiguration.
SHARED - Static variable in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourceType.Types
Identifies the cluster-shared ResourceType.
Shared(String) - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.PoolAllocation.Shared
Create a new shared PoolAllocation.
SharedClusteredResourcePool - Interface in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
Specifies a ClusteredResourcePool sharing space in a server-based clustered resource.


timedWait(Object) - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
Performs a timed wait on the object provided.
TimeoutDuration - Class in org.ehcache.clustered.client.config
Describes a timeout value for a clustered operation.
toMillis() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
Converts this TimeoutDuration to milliseconds.
toNanos() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
Converts this TimeoutDuration to nanoseconds.
toString() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.TimeoutDuration
toString() - Method in class org.ehcache.clustered.common.ServerSideConfiguration.Pool
Types() - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourceType.Types


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourceType.Types
Identifies the clustered ResourceType.
Unknown() - Constructor for class org.ehcache.clustered.common.PoolAllocation.Unknown


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ehcache.clustered.common.Consistency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in class org.ehcache.clustered.client.config.ClusteredResourceType.Types
Returns an array containing the constants of the ClusteredResourceType.
values() - Static method in enum org.ehcache.clustered.common.Consistency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withConsistency(Consistency) - Static method in class
Creates a new builder instance with the provided Consistency configured.
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