
Package net.sf.ehcache.writer.writebehind

This package contains the write behind functionalities.


Interface Summary
OperationConverter<T> Interface that allows an converter to be implemented that can create an operation based on an arbitrary object.
OperationsFilter<T> An interface for implementing a filter for operations before they are processed.
WriteBehind An interface for write behind behavior.

Class Summary
AbstractWriteBehindQueue Abstract implementation of a WriteBehindQueue.
CastingOperationConverter A converter that simply casts an existing KeyBasedOperation instance.
CoalesceKeysFilter Filters the operations by only retaining the latest operations for a given key.
NonStopWriteBehind Non stop class for write behind
WriteBehindManager Implements a WriterManager that writes elements to a queue first and in the background sends the to the CacheWriter.
WriteBehindQueueManager.WriteBehindQueueFactory Factory used to create write behind queues.

Package net.sf.ehcache.writer.writebehind Description

This package contains the write behind functionalities.


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