Using the Debugger
It is invoked as follows:
java -jar ehcache-debugger-1.5.0.jar ehcache.xml sampleCache1 path_to_ehcache.xml
It takes one or two arguments:

the first argument, which is mandatory, is the Ehcache configuration file e.g. app/config/ehcache.xml. This file should be configured to allow Ehcache to join the cluster. Using one of the existing ehcache.xml files from the other nodes normally is sufficient.

the second argument, which is optional, is the name of the cache e.g. distributedCache1
If only the first argument is passed, it will print our a list of caches with replication configured from the configuration file, which are then available for monitoring. If the second argument is also provided, the debugger will monitor cache operations received for the given cache. This is done by registering a CacheEventListener which prints out each operation.
Note: | Use the Class-Path attribute inside a manifest file to add any additional libraries to the debugger's classpath. Be sure to leave a blank line at the end of the file. Following is an example of Class-Path attribute inside a manifest file (showing two separate JARs added to the classpath): Class-Path: lib/my.jar lib/myLoggerjar |
When monitoring a cache it prints a list of caches with replication configured, prints notifications as they happen, and periodically prints the cache name, size and total events received. See sample output below which is produced when the RemoteDebuggerTest is run.
Caches with replication configured which are available for monitoring are:
sampleCache19 sampleCache20 sampleCache26 sampleCache42 sampleCache33
sampleCache51 sampleCache40 sampleCache32 sampleCache18 sampleCache25
sampleCache9 sampleCache15 sampleCache56 sampleCache31 sampleCache7
sampleCache12 sampleCache17 sampleCache45 sampleCache41 sampleCache30
sampleCache13 sampleCache46 sampleCache4 sampleCache36 sampleCache29
sampleCache50 sampleCache37 sampleCache49 sampleCache48 sampleCache38
sampleCache6 sampleCache2 sampleCache55 sampleCache16 sampleCache27
sampleCache11 sampleCache3 sampleCache54 sampleCache28 sampleCache10
sampleCache8 sampleCache47 sampleCache5 sampleCache53 sampleCache39
sampleCache23 sampleCache34 sampleCache22 sampleCache44 sampleCache52
sampleCache24 sampleCache35 sampleCache21 sampleCache43 sampleCache1
Monitoring cache: sampleCache1
Cache: sampleCache1 Notifications received: 0 Elements in cache: 0
Received put notification for element [ key = this is an id, value=this is
a value, version=1, hitCount=0, CreationTime = 1210656023456,
LastAccessTime = 0 ]
Received update notification for element [ key = this is an id, value=this
is a value, version=1210656025351, hitCount=0, CreationTime =
1210656024458, LastAccessTime = 0 ]
Cache: sampleCache1 Notifications received: 2 Elements in cache: 1
Received remove notification for element this is an id
Received removeAll notification.
Providing more Detailed Logging
If you see nothing happening, but cache operations should be going through, enable trace (LOG4J) or finest (JDK) level logging on net.sf.ehcache.distribution in the logging configuration being used by the debugger. A large volume of log messages will appear. The normal problem is that the CacheManager has not joined the cluster. Look for the list of cache peers.
Yes, but I still have a cluster problem
Check the FAQ, where a lot of commonly reported errors and their solutions are provided. Beyond that, post to the forums or mailing list or contact Ehcache for support.