How Configuration Affects Element Flushing and Eviction
The following example shows a cache with certain expiration settings:
<cache name="myCache"
eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="3600"
timeToLiveSeconds="0" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU">
Note the following about the myCache configuration:

If a client accesses an entry in myCache that has been idle for more than an hour (
timeToIdleSeconds), that element is evicted.

If an entry expires but is not accessed, and no resource constraints force eviction, then the expired entry remains in place until a periodic evictor removes it.

Entries in myCache can live forever if accessed at least once per 60 minutes (
timeToLiveSeconds). However, unexpired entries may still be flushed based on other limitations. For details, see
Sizing Storage Tiers.