Related Documentation : Ehcache Replication Guide : Replicated Caching Using JMS : Ehcache Replication and External Publishers : Code Samples
Code Samples
These samples use Open MQ as the message queue and use it with out of the box defaults. They are heavily based on Ehcache's own JMS integration tests. See the test source for more details.
Messages should be sent to the topic that Ehcache is listening on. In these samples it is EhcacheTopicDest.
All samples get a Topic Connection using the following method:
private TopicConnection getMQConnection() throws JMSException {
com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory factory =
new com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory();
factory.setProperty(ConnectionConfiguration.imqAddressList, "localhost:7676");
factory.setProperty(ConnectionConfiguration.imqReconnectEnabled, "true");
TopicConnection myConnection = factory.createTopicConnection();
return myConnection;
PUT a Java Object into an Ehcache Cluster
String payload = "this is an object";
TopicConnection connection = getMQConnection();
TopicSession publisherSession =
connection.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
ObjectMessage message = publisherSession.createObjectMessage(payload);
message.setStringProperty(ACTION_PROPERTY, "PUT");
message.setStringProperty(CACHE_NAME_PROPERTY, "sampleCacheAsync");
//don't set. Should work.
//message.setStringProperty(MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY, null);
//should work. Key should be ignored when sending an element.
message.setStringProperty(KEY_PROPERTY, "1234");
Topic topic = publisherSession.createTopic("EhcacheTopicDest");
TopicPublisher publisher = publisherSession.createPublisher(topic);
Ehcache will create an Element in cache "sampleCacheAsync" with key "1234" and a Java class String value of "this is an object".
PUT XML into an Ehcache Cluster
TopicConnection connection = getMQConnection();
TopicSession publisherSession = connection.createTopicSession(false,
String value = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
"<oldjoke>\n" +
"<burns>Say <quote>goodnight</quote>,\n" +
"Gracie.</burns>\n" +
"<allen><quote>Goodnight, \n" +
"Gracie.</quote></allen>\n" +
"<applause/>\n" +
TextMessage message = publisherSession.createTextMessage(value);
message.setStringProperty(ACTION_PROPERTY, "PUT");
message.setStringProperty(CACHE_NAME_PROPERTY, "sampleCacheAsync");
message.setStringProperty(MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY, "application/xml");
message.setStringProperty(KEY_PROPERTY, "1234");
Topic topic = publisherSession.createTopic("EhcacheTopicDest");
TopicPublisher publisher = publisherSession.createPublisher(topic);
Ehcache will create an Element in cache "sampleCacheAsync" with key "1234" and a value of type MimeTypeByteArray.
On a get from the cache the MimeTypeByteArray will be returned. It is an Ehcache value object from which a mimeType and byte[] can be retrieved. The mimeType will be "application/xml". The byte[] will contain the XML String encoded in bytes, using the platform's default charset.
PUT arbitrary bytes into an Ehcache Cluster
byte[] bytes = new byte[]{0x34, (byte) 0xe3, (byte) 0x88};
TopicConnection connection = getMQConnection();
TopicSession publisherSession = connection.createTopicSession(false,
BytesMessage message = publisherSession.createBytesMessage();
message.setStringProperty(ACTION_PROPERTY, "PUT");
message.setStringProperty(CACHE_NAME_PROPERTY, "sampleCacheAsync");
message.setStringProperty(MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY, "application/octet-stream");
message.setStringProperty(KEY_PROPERTY, "1234");
Topic topic = publisherSession.createTopic("EhcacheTopicDest");
TopicPublisher publisher = publisherSession.createPublisher(topic);
Ehcache will create an Element in cache "sampleCacheAsync" with key "1234" in and a value of type MimeTypeByteArray.
On a get from the cache the MimeTypeByteArray will be returned. It is an Ehcache value object from which a mimeType and byte[] can be retrieved. The mimeType will be "application/octet-stream". The byte[] will contain the original bytes.
TopicConnection connection = getMQConnection();
TopicSession publisherSession = connection.createTopicSession(false,
ObjectMessage message = publisherSession.createObjectMessage();
message.setStringProperty(ACTION_PROPERTY, "REMOVE");
message.setStringProperty(CACHE_NAME_PROPERTY, "sampleCacheAsync");
message.setStringProperty(KEY_PROPERTY, "1234");
Topic topic = publisherSession.createTopic("EhcacheTopicDest");
TopicPublisher publisher = publisherSession.createPublisher(topic);
Ehcache will remove the Element with key "1234" from cache "sampleCacheAsync" from the cluster.
TopicConnection connection = getMQConnection();
TopicSession publisherSession = connection.createTopicSession(false,
ObjectMessage message = publisherSession.createObjectMessage();
message.setStringProperty(ACTION_PROPERTY, "REMOVE_ALL");
message.setStringProperty(CACHE_NAME_PROPERTY, "sampleCacheAsync");
Topic topic = publisherSession.createTopic("EhcacheTopicDest");
TopicPublisher publisher = publisherSession.createPublisher(topic);
Ehcache will remove all Elements from cache "sampleCacheAsync" in the cluster.
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